All Access Movie membership

You can just turn up and pay on the door for only £6 per person. 
However, becoming a member helps you and us in so many ways…

Cheaper entry

You pay just £30 for the season, that’s 9 films at just £3.33 per film.

Where else can you enjoy an evening out for just £3.33?

Helping the Cinema

As you can imagine, buying and updating the equipment and renting the films and hall isn’t cheap, so by knowing we have members, and funds in the bank, ensures we can confidently keep the cinema going in the future.

Something to look forward to

By becoming a member, you know you have one evening a month to look forward to!

Block it off on the calendar, then get ready, leave the house, meet friends, sit back and enjoy a couple of hours just for you.


Becoming a member of the Film Club

When you join, your name will be on our membership list at the next film night. Just introduce yourself to our welcome team and they will check you in! You can join mid-season, paying fees pro rata to the number of films remaining to be seen (£3.33 per film). There are 9 films in each season. 


To join….

1. Either
click on link to download and then print the 
Membership Application Form fill it in, attach a cheque payable to Wadhurst Community Cinema and post it to the address on the form:    Membership Secretary, 4 Summerhill Cottages, Ticehurst, TN5 7JA.


2. Use Online BACS Banking (the Bill Payment option) with this info: 

  • Recipient: Wadhurst Cinema
  • Reference (this is vital): eg. Your initial/surname
  • Sort Code: 602215
  • Account Nr: 65569105
  • and at the same time send your personal information to us on the form below:   ( or by email to :

14 + 6 =


Community cinema

about Us

We provide an affordable evening out for all ages in the community of Wadhurst. A chance to see great movies with family and friends.